FORMLABS DAN ODPRTIH VRAT (petek, 26. 8. 2022)
Form 4
Form 4
Form 4 is a blazing fast masked SLA 3D printer that combines an industry-leading materials library with a reliable, accurate print engine. Turn your ideas into reality faster than ever with easy workflows, leading reliability, and stunning part quality using the Form 4 ecosystem.
Form 4B
Form 4B
Form 4B is a blazing fast medical 3D printer that offers the most diverse materials library for healthcare. Create biocompatible, sterilizable anatomical models and medical devices fast, with easy workflows, leading reliability, versatile materials, and stunning part quality using the Form 4B ecosystem.
Form 3+
Form 3+
Most seamless and user friendly resin 3D printing experience with high detail, speed and minimum maintenance.
Form 3B
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